Partner Programs

At ISG we are committed to helping our valued agents & selected business partners grow their businesses. Regardless of your business type and sales model ISG has a program for you that can improve your bottom line.

This commitment is evident by our commission program that includes; lifetime residuals (evergreen), no sales quotas, to dedicated pre-post sales resources.

The majority of today’s agent channel programs are telecommunications centric. This narrow approach ignores businesses myriad of infrastructure services which will open the door for competition. Yes, our programs address end-to-end telecommunication opportunities.

However, what differentiates ISG is our range of tailored solutions solving businesses entire infrastructure environments. Logistics, legal, utilities, Human Resources, insurance, office furniture are just some of the areas that we cover.

With more than 75 industry leaders as our strategic vendors ensuring client & agents specific business needs are quickly satisfied. AND by joining our agent program, you’d be in perfect position to procure any of our wide range of services instead of leaving these opportunities for others to enjoy.

Here’s how we can help you…….

  • Pre-Sales Support- from same day quotes, access to most carriers CSR’s, invoice analysis w/proposal generations, on-site visits, and coordinated conference calls, to technical & engineering support.
  • Post-Sales Support- assigned account management, service to billing triage, carrier escalations, real-time repair status, and access to accounting department.