Wireless Audit & Optimization

Today’s growing mobile and wireless world has changed standard business voice strategies. Instead of continuing with traditional voice services such as POTS to T-1’s, the procurements of mobile devices from Smartphones and tablets are increasing at a record pace. It’s the general consensus is that this trend will continue for the unforeseeable future. Recent studies indicate business mobile expenditures now exceed a full 1/3 of overall telecom costs and are likely to increase, further affecting budgets.

Are you aware…..

·        25% of invoices contain billing errors leading to over spending?

·        85%-90% of businesses are over paying wireless service providers?

·        That you can reduce current costs by 25%-30%?

Let ISG show you the way with our absolutely Risk-Free Wireless Auditing & Optimization Services, designed to reduce your on-going monthly costs. We also identify billing errors which can result in your receiving sizable refund checks. We are only compensated if we can save you money!

Maintaining control of your growing inventory of wireless devices from a technology, security and cost perspective becomes ever more challenging for all businesses regardless of size and industry. This puts a huge emphasis and pressure on businesses to develop sustainable mobile strategies. Unfortunately, the majority of today’s businesses lack these in-house experts and the budgets to hire them. 

Again, let ISG show you the way as we proudly offer these additional important mobile solutions:

  • Procurement- Recommend new devices at deepest discounted levels with quick turnaround.
  • Telecom Expense Management- Recommend best suited software.
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM) - Helps reduce enterprise costs; create new efficiencies with 24x7x365 support.